Art of War- Competitive Intelligence As An Offensive Weapon

Article first appeared in Technorati here. Competition. The very word can often strike fear in the hearts of many a business owner or executive. They get reviled, extolled, crushed, attacked, copied, grudgingly praised and even sometimes acquired. Too seldom does it get broken down, analyzed, and synthesized into something useful and leveraged as an opportunity.…… Continue reading Art of War- Competitive Intelligence As An Offensive Weapon

Engaged Employees Build Engaged Customers – Technorati Feature

Engaged Employees Build Engaged Customers (Article first published on as Engaged Employees Build Engaged Customers – How Does Addvocate Help You Engage?) Engaged employees are one of an organization’s biggest assets. So what is an engaged employee? Engaged employees produce twice as much work product in the same time as unengaged employees. 40%-80% of customer…… Continue reading Engaged Employees Build Engaged Customers – Technorati Feature

5 Key Takeaways from the Lifecycle Messaging Conference #LCMC13

Article first published as 5 Key Takeaways from Lifecycle Messaging Conference on Technorati. The Lifecycle Messaging Conference was held held October 9-11, 2013, in San Diego, California at the Omni San Diego Hotel, located in the heart of San Diego’s historic Gaslamp District. The focus of the 2-day conference was helping companies implement advanced lifecycle messaging…… Continue reading 5 Key Takeaways from the Lifecycle Messaging Conference #LCMC13